Happy New Year - 2024


Happy New Year - 2024!

The new year begins a bit challenging astrologically. But these are things that won't last long. We also have an important New Moon on January 11, 2024 and a challenging aspect that will come out in February/March 2024, which I will touch on here.

At the start of the year, there can be a number of challenges in relationships in every way, as Saturn challenged both Venus and the moon at the start of 2024.

Venus stands for love, all relationships, colleagues and the moon stands for feelings, home and family. The moon also stands for the body, maternal themes and for intuition and compassion.

When these challenge Saturn, things can become challenging in these areas. Saturn is in Pisces and at the beginning of the new year was in opposition to the moon and these were again square to Venus.

Venus passes approx. one degree in a day and Saturn moves very slowly, so over a short period, it is more or less in the same place. Venus was first direct square to Saturn on the day of New Year's Day 1, 2024. But this square can still be felt and only in a few days will this square lighten and things will become easier.

The Moon moves quickly and already on New Year's Day it was away from the difficult T-cross with Saturn and Venus. But today, 2 Jan. 2024 it has moved to another challenging T-cross. The Moon together with the asteroid Juno is in opposition to Neptune and these again are square to Mars and Mercury.

Mars and Mercury together stand for asserting oneself communicatively, as Mars is energy and Mercury stands for communication or shorter journeys. It can also represent anger or a lot of energy regarding travel. But in a challenging T-cross to Neptune and the Moon conjunct Juno, this can lead to ambiguities and confusion, what is what, what does the other really mean? Is one honest or not? But it can also just be challenging to say what you want. The moon stands for emotions, the body, maternal themes, empathy, care and intuition. Things can be challenging here. Are you able to stand up for your feelings and express them honestly? Perhaps people have been tired and fatigued after Christmas and the New Year's weekend and may not be able to show the same empathy and understanding as usual. The topic of mothers in particular can be challenging. But Juno is also involved so it can stand for the partner and for soulmates in a wider sense.

The moon always passes quickly. Mars is also in a seperating aspect to this, i.e. it is moving away from this aspect and will thus resolve itself from it.

But Mercury will continue to be in this for still some time. It has now gone retro, seen from Earth, for three weeks and only today, January 2, 2024, has it started to go direct. But it always takes a while before it "picks up speed". So it will hang in this place for a while, seen from Earth. Only shortly after the new moon on 11 Jan 2024 and beyond will it be finished with this, but more on that further down.

Mars has so far formed this T-cross with Neptune and Juno ever since a few days before Christmas 2023. At the start it was more of a square to Juno which was stronger. That is to say, there may have been a number of disagreements and heated energies regarding a partner, spouse or other soulmate connection at that time.

Only a couple of days after Christmas, on 26 Dec onwards, Mercury began to approach this T-cross and on 27. Dec 2023, Mercury and Mars were in direct conjunction, in square to Neptune, but not so much in square to Juno at this time.

For those of you who have Pluto at 23-25 degrees Virgo as I do, Mercury and Mars were conjunct in direct square to this Pluto and Neptune in opposition to it. It may also have caused one to dive deeply into things, with full power, but rather in an exaggerated way, which may have had to do with spiritual or spiritual themes between Christmas and New Year. Welcome to the club, I say in that case 😉 It may also have been an escape from other difficult things and feelings, but it doesn't need to have been that.

Things have eased up a lot since then. Mars, which is going direct, has moved away from this and Mercury, which has gone retro, has also moved down to 22 degrees in Sagittarius, but is sort of squaring Juno now. And today, 2 Jan. 2024, the moon thus passes Juno and square to both Mercury and Mars and in opposition to Neptune. So it can be felt quite a bit again today.

Mercury will slowly move away from the square to Juno in the next few days, but around January 8 - 10, 2024, it will square Neptune again. Then things can become somewhat unclear regarding communication again or during shorter journeys. Perhaps there will be another round of bad weather and accessibility?

But before that, another square is building up and will become very noticeable. On January 6, the sun will square Chiron. The Sun is our real identity and Chiron is the wound of life. Around that day and possibly a couple of days before and after, hurtful things may come to light regarding who you are and what is hurtful to you. But Chiron also stands for the wounded healer, so it is also possible that things can be healed.

The new moon on 11 Jan 2024

On 11 January 2024 we have a new moon in Capricorn which is directly square to the lunar node axis. That means, that this is a very important new moon and new things can happen and new directions can be staked out. It can be a good day to decide something new and start new things.

Well, this new moon is in a weak square to Chiron, so there could be something painful about this new moon or it could be about seeking out things that can help heal what is hurt, therapy, healing for example.

The new moon is just a couple of days after Mercury and Neptune have been in direct square, as I wrote above. Then again, things can have to do with communication, linked up to everything that has to do with Neptune in a slightly challenging way. At it's best, Mercury square to Neptune can represent communication regarding healing, intuitive art and creativity, spirituality, spirituality, and having big dreams, but things won't necessarily come for free with a square. It is easy to overlook something important. On the negative side, Mercury square to Neptune can represent confusion, obscurity, untruths and flight from reality.

But this square is seperating and not quite accurate at the new moon on 11 Jan 2024, so then things will have started to become clearer again and you can set a new course or start something new.

The North Node of the Moon crosses Chiron – Hurt, but healing can also get a big focus

From the middle of February up to and including the first week of March 2024, the northern lunar node will cross Chiron at 16 - 18 degrees in Aries. If you have something in your horoscope of 16 - 18 degrees in Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, this can be felt extra well.

Chiron stands for the wound of life, what is painful, what has always been there and from time to time reappears as something painful and everything that the northern lunar node hits gets extra focus.

If you are not affected by this in your horoscope, you do not need to notice this at all during this period, but if you have things at these degrees in any of these signs, hurtful things can easily appear in that period.

The topic will be about what that planet stands for, which will evnetually be hitted in your horoscope. If you have your sun there, it can really affect who you are. If your moon is hit, it can hurt your feelings or everything the moon stands for, or if Mercury is hit, it can hurt communication or shorter journeys, etc.

It can be a tough few weeks then, but the northern lunar node also focuses on it, because it "wants" you to take a closer look at this. It refers to where the soul needs to focus, to get where the soul wants to go in this life, your soul's task. Chiron is also the wounded healer, so things can also come to light at this time, so that you can get things healed, even if it can be painful when it's on.

Back to the new moon on 11 Jan 2024

A new moon is when the sun and moon are in the same place. The sun stands for one's real identity and the moon for the feelings etc. At the new moon on 11 Jan 2024, the sun and moon are in direct square to the lunar node axis. That is that both the sun and the moon get extra focus. 

The sun thrives to some extent in Capricorn, it would like to shine and have big goals, which one's real identity wants. 

But the moon does not necessarily thrive in Capricorn. There it is in exile. With the Moon in Capricorn, feelings can be difficult to get hold of and with Chiron and Neptune squaring Mercury, it can be difficult to communicate feelings and what can be painful and difficult. But with the moon square to the lunar node axis, there is an even greater focus on just this, but square does not necessarily come for free either. It can be challenging.

Then it is appropriate to end by reproducing a few words from the Moon Wisdom oracle card by Yasmin Boland:

For the next couple of days 3 - 4 Jan 2024 when the Moon in Libra will be in last square to the Sun in Capricorn:

"There is a difference between wanting to be positive and spiritualskipping, where you refuse to accept your feelings. You cannot cheat the universe by pretending to be happy when you are sad. Instead, you have to take care of your feelings."

"Be sincere!"

For the new moon on 11 Jan 2024:

"There is no goal that is set too high, divide your goals into smaller sub-goals instead. A slow and steady pace will get you there the fastest."

"Step forward and know that you are the boss of your own life!"

---------------Quote end ---------------

I wish you a very happy new year and a good start to the new year 2024, despite the slightly bumpy astrological outlook at the start of the new year :-)))

PS. Here I am dealing with the general astrological energies, but what hits each of you in your personal horoscope is very individual. If you want to see if you have something at 16 - 18 degrees in Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, you can go to astro.com and enter your dates and bring up your horoscope there.


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